7 comments on ““Nine Key Passage” critique of new media DIY project 5

  1. wow Janet, so interesting piece of art into an urban contest!I like the idea of change in positive emotions of patients and their relatives. the big idea here is to interact with people’s emotions, even if people are not in the hospital to admire the art. But art should not change the world?

  2. Thank you very much Janet! Great considerations! I totally agree with you: “(…) The expectation it creates makes one forget the reason for entering the hospital. It creates a room in a parallel world where pain or anxiety is forgot for a while. Within the frames of consideration expected when making Art for the Ill, I think that these two artists have created Art which is appealing, exciting and a great example of how Art, architecture and enviroment can collaborate and give the viewer a true experience of being lifted from the everyday situation.”

  3. Janet – Your choice to write about an artwork outside the museum context but in a more purposeful setting like a hospital gives your review a fresh perspective. So much about art and it’s value is healing, enlightening and transforming. You would think that bringing art into hospital settings would be seen as necessary as providing food and drink. Sadly this is rarely the case. In the past six months I lost both my mother (an amazing artist) and my brother. If such an artwork would have been part of my hospital visit experience, it may well have softened the sharp edges of my sadness. Thank you for your contribution.

  4. Thank you writing so descriptively about an installation that makes use of sound. I want to learn more about ways to link the playing of sound to the motions of passers by. I reblogged your post so that I can study it further at a later day.

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